Thursday, May 22, 2008

Caught a small break.

The prayers must have been heard. I am recovering from the biopsy at HOME! 
Feeling groggy and sore , but I'll take it.  I am at home!
I will spend the rest of the day enjoying the benefits of "drugs", if you can call this a "perk"of treatment and rest my mind and body. All to wake up tomorrow to be  back in the
 "waiting game". 
I am pissed off that I am wasting my time worrying about the unknown. For now, my days are good, I am not in pain, I am not uncomfortable, I CAN  live my life. Believe me, I know I should be enjoying these days, but I am too consumed with the worry. Guess this is another permanent "side effect" we patients, keep with us.

The tragic fire is burning close to our horse farm, thankfully not close enough that they are in any danger. In fact, we had  a couple "victims" re-locate to our barn for safety. All of our beautiful animals are safe and happy. For this, I am grateful.

My favorite part of today: Recovery at home with my loving family.
My worst part of today: Hearing the news about the fire.


yocum said...

The meaning of worry is - a wasted use of your imagination. It will consume all of you and there will be no room for the good ones you need to make you healthy for the next round. Try to worry for a short time (go ahead) then close your eyes and take a deep breath and release and take yourself to the beautiful farm you have created with your family and find PEACE!

Brigid said...

I'm so glad you got to go home. Keeping you in my prayers, Brigid

Maggie May said...

Dear Tina,
You don't know me. My name is Margaret Stonich. I am a former student of Carries and Pamela and faithfully read their Seven Oaks website (I moved to San Diego 3 years ago). I am in the process of battling a second cancer diagnosis. I too was given an 80% cure rate and was very surprised when I was diagnosed again with cancer in Nov of last year. There have been some pretty dark days but God willing I will recover. Please know you and your family are in my prayers. I believe that prayers and healing thoughts got me through the first time and will do so again. I also did a blog, please feel free to log on:

Unknown said...

Dear Tina,

We are all thinking about you out at the RV barn, sending our well wishes every day. You are such a radiant person, always so generous and kind and full of smiles. I hope that soon this dark time will pass for you and you'll be back to riding and smiling again. We're sending you healing thoughts!

Tina N